Before you can do other tasks with a Lumen® Encrypted Wavelength Service, such as setting the authentication key, updating card firmware, or viewing change history for the service, you need to replace the initial passwords for your cards (set by Lumen). You do this to secure the cards so that only designated people in your organization have access to the information—helping ensure your connection is secure. You can use the same password for both cards or different passwords for each card.
Once you set the passwords for the cards, you can manage the passwords according to your organization's security policies. At any time, you can change the passwords for the cards.
Important: Remember to keep track of your card passwords. Lumen cannot retrieve or reset passwords for you. If you forget your passwords, we must send a technician to both locations to physically remove and reseat both cards—and you will be charged for this service.
To set the card passwords for Encrypted Wavelength:
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